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Returning an order

Online Store Orders

If you change your mind about your order or purchase, you have 14 days from the day of delivery to return your order, using our free returns service. To enable us to process your return as quickly as possible, please proceed as follows:

  1. Returns of new items are free of charge. Please contact us via the contact form below or send an email to
  2. If you are within our return period (14 days), we will provide you with a return label and return receipt by e-mail.
  3. Put the items that you wish to return back into their original packaging and place them into a suitable shipping container, such as a cardboard box. Please ensure the items are securely packed to prevent damage during transit.
  4. Secure your return shipping label to the parcel. We recommend covering the label with a transparent foil or tape to avoid damage as this could delay the process.
  5. Take the parcel to a DHL collection point. For higher value items, we may request DHL to collect your order from you directly.
  6. Make sure you keep the confirmation you receive for handing in your package.

Once your return has been inspected and the condition verified, your refund will be made via the original payment method.

If the condition of the returned item is not as new, we may charge a return fee. Shipping costs are non-refundable. T&Cs apply.

Note: Please contact us at if you wish to return your items in our Mayfair store.


In-Store Orders 

Returns and exchanges of any physical product are accepted within 14 days from the date of purchase when presented with the original sales receipt at the original place of purchase. A full refund will be issued provided the goods are in brand new condition and the packaging is intact. The refund amount will be returned in the same form of payment used at the time of purchase. 

A refund/exchange will not be issued if:

- The packaging is damaged, incomplete or shows signs of soiling and/or the product is not in brand new and in perfect condition
- Referred to a service (e.g. delivery, Akademie course, etc) already performed.
- The product was customised by Leica Customer Care.
- The product was a special order.
- Referred to a gift voucher/card.

Please contact if you wish to start your return process. T&Cs apply.

For further questions or concerns regarding your return, please contact us via the contact form below. 

Returning an order
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